There's three ways that they can vaccinate fish

9 months ago

Sherri Tenpenny: There's three ways that they can vaccinate fish. One is, they can make put the vaccine in the pellets and they feed these pellets and farmed fish with soy and all kinds of things that fish never eat. And then the second thing is they have big vats filled with the vaccine or a percentage of vaccine that the fish swim around in and through their gills they take it into their bodies. And the third way is they actually anesthetize the fish and they actually inject them. They have injectors that they can inject up to a thousand fish per hour. And they actually, they put it into their belly, into their peritoneal area. They actually did a small study of 12 fish, like what happens to the fish after they've been injected and these fish got sick and they hung out at the bottom of the pen and they acted like they were in pain and the other fish were around protecting them. And then when they harvested the fish, they found that all of their intestines had,like,adhered together,almost like a scar tissue.

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