How to get to heaven - Subconscious

9 months ago

Using this link please turn to The Model of the Mind on our website which shows where the subconscious is in relation to the Mind

This Model has three parts, the Subconscious can be found at the bottom of the diagram. It has five main functions [shown as blue boxes]
- the Emotions [joy, gloom, bliss, love, hate, anger etc]
- the system of Perception [labelled Perceive, the system that adjusts the inputs
to a form suited to our environment and what we are],
- the 5 Senses system [hearing, smelling, tasting, seeing and feeling]
- the Nervous system [pain and pleasure]
- and the autonomic systems[which strictly speaking belong to the body
and not the mind, but are included because they send sensations to the mind
such as hunger, thirst, the need to wee or poo and so on

Its drivers are pleasure and pain – the pursuit of pleasure, the avoidance of pain. And it judges what is pleasurable and what is painful from the emotions perceptions provoke.
It has no language, or learning, it is instinctive and without inhibition.

And the Subconscious is not under our [conscious] control.

All the Will and our Conscious self can do is to adapt our behaviour to whatever the Subconscious does. But it has no ego, no driving personality pushing it on. It doesn’t plan, it just lives from day to day.
Since it has no ‘Memory’ , it only uses Perceptions, so it knows the truth.
The Conscious mind can spin all sorts of myths and madness around a perception until it is a lie. But the Subconscious knows, you cannot lie to the subconscious FOR IT HAS SEEN and it has felt and it knows the truth.
It knows what pain and pleasure were attached to a perception and in that respect it never forgets.
One event of overwhelming hurt can set it on a course of avoidance for ever after
and the Conscious mind will be bewildered at the emotions being provoked by something it thought had been ‘forgotten’ or 'dealt with' in a ‘mature’ way.

But the Subconscious is the key to all spiritual experience, because only the Subconscious has access to spiritual input.

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