Eating for Health

8 months ago

More information about the ways in which you can eat for health, is available by following this link to our website

Not only do we have a great number of examples describing the healing effects of foods, we also have a whole section of the website dedicated to food alphabetically organised by food name

The 'medicines' in the suppression section are not based on manufactured pharmaceuticals. All are intended to be healing medicines and are based on either plants [not extraction from plants, the plants themselves] or other natural products.

There is another section also devoted to the minerals and vitamins in food

and perhaps most important of all which plants and foods help with which illnesses.

This section has an alphabetically organised list of numerous illnesses, the symptoms and then according to published medical papers [and we do give the PubMed reference number each time, so that if you wish you can find the full paper on the PubMed site], the causes. Only when you know the cause can an illness be treated. The reference number of every medical paper is provided

Details of how to find the PubMed site are found here, please be aware this page takes some time to load as thousands of papers are referenced

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