A Deep Dive Into ProcellaCOR's Sh*t, Fake, Paid Science!

9 months ago

My village's water supply is being targeted by these pharma-chemical-nazi h*es so I have to expose them & their sh*t fake, regulatory captured, paid-science... as you'll hear about in this video!

I'll show you *as much as I can* in the time I had today to record, before putting boots on the ground to recruit some local "heavy weight champs" hahaha who might wanna use my info to help improve the fight for our Lake.

I feel like I have some valuable info that could help! You'll see... plus I seriously know how to garden so I'm sure I could help with the Lake if the experts seriously can't figure it out. lmao Orrrrr do we just have a case of controlled opposition on our hands? I chat about that briefly too in the video

We get into my science, their science and I talk some smack lmao

Take the time to consider & see if you agree with me at the end?

If you're local and DO NOT WANT THIS, WE NEED TO TAKE ACTION NOW!!!!! NO TIME TO WASTE! Watch this video so you can be fully prepared and then GET TO WORK!!!! If this goes in the lake it will take probably hundreds of years EVEN IF I HELP YOU NEUTRALIZE THE POISON.

Who knows how much I could shorten the time but NO, people & the planet always suffer from this stuff but I DID WANT TO HIGHLIGHT to any towns/cities/ppl who may use poisons in their drinking water/lakes... I might be able to help you restore your land. Start with my garden video but that is just the basics... we would have to figure some things out about applying it to water too but some ppl like Ken Rohla might already know!!!! Ken Rohlaaaa is the sh*****t one of my teachers!!!!!

Anyways... take any actions you have the power to take & have the desire (of the father/God) to do! We are all in different positions of power & circumstances, different connections & talents, so whatever you can do... TIME TO THROW DOWN.

Don't forget to call Dave over at the Lake George Water Park Commission & let him know you don't want this poison in our water & make sure you engage with him & educate him! I don't think you'll find his science very impressive but let me know if you DO! I'd love to see it...

Anyways, got a few more little action steps to mention...

Even just liking & sharing this video & telling everyone you KNOW + raising community-wide awareness in general about this alarming threat to our Lake is always a great help! Team Work Makes a dream work as a wise woman once told me!

I know I'm controversial!!!! lol some may fully stand WITH what I'm saying & show support but I've noticed some may *mostly* agree but not 100% (yet ;p) & be a lil shy & need time to accept hard Truths for example... the fact that nazis & Commis aren't unicorns, they're REAL! hahahaha

So if you share my content in any way shape or form... thanks badasses! Seriously that's a huge help & I'm always grateful for that!

But if you feel more comfortable sharing Lake George Associations information make sure you find them on Facebook and share that info too! It's good to stay connected with them too even if you are a Britt fan! ;P

Here is the LGA's the petition if you wanna sign that: https://chng.it/G7W5F6fncf

Hope you enjoy. Thanks for being here & watching! & taking whatever actions! <3

p.s. I just was able to locate some supposed "science" from the water park commission so I will work on reviewing that soon & make an update video! but Trust me this video will have you pretty convinced as it is by the end... pretty sure I'll rip through whatever sh*t science they just dropped! lmao

p.p.s. ;) This matters for EVERYONE even if you don't live in Lake George! I've realized the scope of this poisoning and its NATION WIDE! WORLD WIDE. We need to stop this. I even hear American farmers are being forced to poison cattle? UMMM hard no! At this point we need to throw down... if you are trying to KILL & POISON me... I think self defense is warranted.

I only mention this bc this town meeting thing today they read out loud a comment from "online" the guy said. LMAO out of allllll the scientific posts and comments I make they picked the one that said "I wanna punch Dave in the face" hahahaha They didn't KNOW it was me or SAY it at least but I thought it was hilarious and raised my hand & was like... "yeah that was me" what I didn't say was I should punch ALL OF YOU in the face! lmao Why should I be forced to be nice when you're trying to kill me? And everyone else in LG? Think about it from my perspective. lmao. It's just self defense ppl!!!! It's the American thing to do. The guy said "hope you're proud" and I didn't respond (listen I've barely been taking care of myself for days because I found out about this last minute and FREAKED OUT & started figuring out actions to take, then doing it, etc.) but I should have explained further to him why it's perfectly reasonable for me to want to punch someone trying to kill me & everyone else in LG, oh & the animals & plants will all be poisoned too. Obviously not everyone dies instantly some are slow killed. I was a pharmaceutical customer once loooooong 7 years ago I KNOW HOW THESE POISONS WORK.

They imbalance the microbiome & cause disease to put it shortly. As I discuss in my videos toxins are ALWAYS involved in an imbalanced microbiome. As well as nutritional deficiencies, at least for humans. I've been applying Natural Health to gardening & I do understand Natural Health should be applied to the environment too. Not an expert in that but I'm self taught in every way I'm sure I could learn esp. if experts needed help they could consult & I could see if I have any ideas. I'll do anything u ppl need to avoid this poison in the LAKE WTF!!!!

I did get to speak at the town meeting which I appreciated but I found it weird we only got to speak AFTER they voted (no clue what for but think they were moving forward with the poison)

I'm not giving up yet! I'm leaving this message for my town board ppl... BE SCIENTIFIC & watch this video & by the end I think you'll understand that this is a very questionable substance and DEFINITELY NOT SAFE!

You need to STOP this chemical attack on our Lake, health, businesses, etc. immediately!

Otherwise expect some flyers to be made about you next!!! If you're not working for the best interest of the community I will let people know. You can see I keep my promises on that. ;)

You can see I'll throw down for LG, the local community, our Country, Natural Health, & for the good (God, who I work for!) of humanity... so if you enjoy my content support my work for FREE by liking the video & sharing with everyone you know to help raise awareness & recruit more ppl to help fight this!

You can see I'll do good things with $$$$ so besides free support you can help financially if you're in a position to! Thanks for any & all forms of support! <3

If you'd like to tip your Witch, here's the link to support my work:

If you'd like to work 1:1 with me on your health goals, here's where you can find me:

I'm temporarily NOT seeing new Witches & Warlocks 1:1 but when I launch my "dental health" video in a week or two I will be, so make an appointment with me and I'll at least have ur info and reach out when I launch!

Here is my other video I JUST MADE TODAY, the same topic! I'm fighting this herbicide & having trouble! I'm definitely asking for help fighting this we all need to come together. Watch this video too & let's all start taking actions. Feel free to reach out to me if you have questions or advice, whatever!: https://rumble.com/v4y7d4e-government-corruption-or-honest-mistake-lake-george-new-york-and-the-adiron.html

Anyways, Thanks again for watching & being badasses! We've got work to do!!!!

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