Russian jamming of NATO's precision munitions in Ukraine

6 months ago

Video: Russian jamming of NATO's precision munitions in Ukraine render them just 10% effective, same info shared by Taiwan experts that big data obtained by Russia shared with China rendered Taiwan’s US precision weapons now a piece of junk. 俄羅斯在烏克蘭幹擾北約精確彈藥,使其有效性只有 10%,台灣專家分享的資訊與俄羅斯與中國分享的大數據相同,使美國提供台灣的精確武器變成了垃圾.

Taiwan video

Ukrainian forces are refusing to take delivery of several of NATO's precision-guided munitions, including Excalibur artillery shells and Boeing's small-diameter bombs (GLSDB), because Russian electronic warfare efforts against these platforms have rendered them practically useless.

Russia's Pole-21 Mobile Electronic Warfare system can jam satellite signals, which make our GPS-dependent munitions vulnerable. For example, a survey of 3,000 artillery strikes showed that the effectiveness dropped from 55%, to just 6% because of Russian jamming and spoofing.


俄羅斯的 Pole-21 行動電子戰系統可以乾擾衛星訊號,這使得我們依賴 GPS 的彈藥容易受到攻擊。例如,對 3000 次砲擊的調查顯示,由於俄羅斯的干擾和欺騙,砲擊的有效性從 55% 下降到只有 6%。

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