....Weekly Garden Update....27/05/24

1 month ago

....we start in the polytunnel today where we've got about 30 tomato plants, we will spread them out as they get larger....over to the spud bags, where the newest ones are just starting to poke through, the middle dozen need the bags filling up and the first batch are coming up after being mounded up last week....then to the brassica cage, there are various cabbages and some kale (really needs weeding)....next up is two rows of spinach and five rows of beetroot, also some cauliflower under the little net....walk up to the kitchen garden past the porch and we have onions for seed, leeks from last year, some lettuce in the corner, radish in the planter, then spearmint, rocket, mixed leaves, oregano, radish for seed, sage, fennel, leeks for seed, garlic (knocked flat by the rain), cucumbers, spinach, basil and some potted herbs....across to the baths and the carrots are doing nicely, as are the spring onions in the middle and dwarf beans on the end....around the back to the freshly planted tree spinach (pink leaves) and the chard that is going to seed, but we are still using a lot of the leaf....into the big greenhouse there are parsnips, beetroot, onions, leeks, more tomatoes and on the bottom shelf, some peppers, lettuce and chives....in the little fruit patch the currant bush is still alive and the little apple tree I thought I'd killed has made a good comeback, rhubarb still growing slowly too....In the little greenhouse the chillies and peppers are doing well and we've got some leeks potted up for the next stage, I've put some cardboard down on top of the woodchip and covered it in compost and planted some tomatoes directly into it to see if we still get blight from the soil....even more tomatoes outside but the butternut squash in the little bed don't seem to be thriving....I've had to fence the onions in as something (probably rabbits) is eating the tops off, and I've had to cover the new onions too as the tops have gone off those too, although they do seem to be growing back now....a look across the field at the fruit trees and we are done for this week....

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