Israel Strikes Civilian Gathering Places

30 days ago

Greetings World.

We are Anonymous.

In seriously disturbing news.

The terrorists Israel Forces conducted a so-called precise strike in the southern Gaza city of Rafah. So-call. Eliminating two senior Hamas leaders, but they have no such proof of course. However, according to local health officials, hundreds of people were killed and injured, in the area allegedly designated as a safe zone, for the displaced civilians.

The terrorists Israeli airstrikes on Sunday, May 26, 2024. Hit Rafah’s Tel Al-Sultan neighborhood, killing over 35 people, mostly women and children.

Videos from the scene, shows the widespread devastation, as the blaze rips through the tent camp. With that many people trapped in the flaming debris, the death toll, will definitely rise.

Videos shows rescuers pulling badly burnt victims, and scorched bodies, from the ruins, as first responders struggled to help the survivors, and tackle the raging fires caused by the Israelis terrorists using napalm bombs.

The terrorists Israeli forces, had ordered partial evacuation of the neighborhood, but three blocks of that area were still designated as safe, encouraging people to take refuge there.

Israel has taken full responsibility for the MASSACRE.

The only justification for this heinous crime is, that they want people to believe that Hamas was there.

Yinon Magal, one of Israel's prominent journalists, celebrates the burning of the Palestinians. Zionist Jews are dancing as babies are being burned alive.

According to TV ratings, more than 250,000 Israelis tune in to watch Magal's show every night. Imagine that.

Israel praising it like a fucking firework show, those bastards!

Here is the burnt body of a displaced Palestinian that was recovered from the scene, of the Rafah massacre sunday night, May 26, 2024.

Across the West Bank and camps of diaspora, massive crowds have gathered in anger at the Rafah Massacre committed by the terrorists forces of Israel, which resulted in over 40 deaths, when the terrorists Israeli warplanes bombed and burned the tents of the displaced.

Palestinians in Al-Mazra'a Al-Gharbiyya, north of Ramallah, chanted for revenge and resistance.

"Let the olive branch fall! Long live the rifle!"

Mass marches in support of the resistance are taking place in Jenin right now, in response to the massacre, as well as Tulkarem.

Crowds also came out in Baqaa refugee camp, in Jordan, chanting,

"Whoever wants to return to the land, should carry a rifle!"

Numerous large explosions were reported in Kafr Dan, north of Jenin, amidst the ongoing genocidal onslaught.

Local sources reported, that the psychotic zionist forces, blew up a car, and set fire to numerous vehicles.

This happened days, after the International Court of Justice orders Israel, to stop its genocidal attack in Rafah, and now, in contempt to the entire civilized world and international law, Israel ratcheted up its slaughter of civilians with napalm bombs. There were no military targets. They deliberately bombed, and burned, the tents of the displaced Palestinians near an UNRWA center, where Israel had declared it a so-call safe zone. We have no words to describe Israel's savagery and depravity. These are the videos of actual children, torn up into pieces, and charred to a crisp. Israel poses a threat to humanity, and they need to be stopped, immediately.

We are Anonymous.

We are The Collective.

We do not Forgive.

We do not Forget.

To the murderous tyrannical dictator of Israel, called Benjamin the Butcher, A.K.A. Benjamin Satanyahu. You are surely the most worth-less scum this planet has ever seen and recorded in human history. We will definitely enjoy exposing you, and destroying you of course, for We, seriously declare, that you, are unfit to be amongst Our human species. Be prepared, to be obliterated.


Expect that.

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