4 months ago

Welcome to UNCONSTITUTIONAL: An American Story, a documentary that exposes a plan to destroy America through the destruction of our Constitutional Rights.

The key is to attack and control the mind of the inhabitants—to do this you must shape the way people view life and the values upon which their life is based.

Film Producer Anthony Delmedico and his crew captured important events in four different American cities, and perspectives of a wide variety of American Citizens on those streets from every background, race, and pedigree.


(Episode #1) “The Angry Mob”
Phoenix, Arizona – AZ State Capital is Stormed – (4/5/2020)

DAY 30 of the Unconstitutional LOCKDOWN of America. Anthony & his film crew went down to the Capital in Phoenix, Arizona to talk to some of the protesters and get a feel for how the American people were responding to the shutdown of small businesses, churches, schools, and public parks. What he found was more than he was expecting...

(Episode #2): "Honor the Fallen!"
Chicago, IL – Memorial Day Rally – (5/20/2020)

DAY 76 of the Unconstitutional LOCKDOWN of America. Anthony travels to Chicago, one of the strictest lockdowns in America, and organizes a Memorial Day Rally to “Honor the Fallen”. He is also protesting a city ordinance that no more than ten people could form in a public park, and illegal “stay at home” orders. Anthony was Joined by hundreds of military veterans, and notable speakers such as Michael Gerber, Purple Heart Veteran Winn, Constitutional attorney Rick Green, Pastor Brian Gibson, Virologist Dr. Jim Maheen, and many more! Mayor Lightfoot instructs Police Chief to tear down his Audio & Speakers and disperse. Watch as this group of decorated Military Veterans, Free Thinkers, & Thought Leaders get surrounded by Police.

(Episode #3): "America is Burning!"
Minneapolis, MN – George Floyd, A Nation on Fire – (June 2020)

Day 90 of the Unconstitutional LOCKDOWN of America. Anthony heads to his Hometown and films the social unrest, rioting, looting, where 148 buildings are burned to the ground. He captures non-local agitators clearly engaged in “stirring the pot”, including starting that first building fire, mysterious vans dropping crates of bricks, fliers with offers to be paid looters. He shows a military operation of “key agitators” that turned a peaceful protest into a burning city of lawlessness, which eventually became the same fate for many cities across America, carried out by the same playbook, and the same players. Combine that with the Media Frenzy of race baiting, social divide, and millions of citizens being forced to stay at home, shut up, and consume what was delivered to them, and all hell broke loose! Anthony peels back the layers, and begins to show proof of larger forces at work, both domestic and global, enjoying the burning of America, and eventually impacting the POTUS Elections on NOV 2020.

(Episode #4): "The American Dream"
Eagle Pass, TX - The Constitutional Border Crisis – (Feb 2024)

In this episode, we uncover proof of our federal government and many other players complicit in one of the largest waves of illegal human trafficking in recorded history, acting under the guise of being "humanitarian". But in reality, many of these migrants, to include young kids, become victims of false lies, and some become victims of both human and sex trafficking, theft, rape, death, and many other crimes, some long before they reach our southern border, others trafficked into many cities across America. Anthony’s Team uncovers a money trail supporting this assembly line of human trafficking that can be traced to top federal programs and NGOs acting under banners of humanitarian missions, leading all the way down to street level with the Cartel, including local authorities, and even U.S. border security officials. It's a huge forest of players with many trees and branches, all motivated by money, greed, and political power, whom are encouraging this global migration, and complicit in these human consequences.

Future Episodes – TBA
Future episodes will be filmed across 25 American Cities during the summer months JUNE- JULY- AUGUST (2024).

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