Pt 2 96 f350 7.3 powerstroke dually #power steering pump/ pulley removal/install Bless our USA Vets!

8 months ago

Your first DIY power steering pump pulley removal/install attempt? Step 1, dumbbell workout 1 week ahead 15lbs at least. 😅 #2 Give blessings and gratitude to our USA Vets who willing gave or give their lives to fight for our freedoms. For the rest of us Americans and legal immigrants to do our best each day to get through our daily lives. Since it so happens to be Memorial weekend when this video posts. Which means for some of us on Memorial Weekend, it includes a weekend warrior task like this 🤬 DIY mechanical project to attempt for the first time.

Hi Rumble neighborhood,
Also make sure to properly stretch, but before all that you will want to watch our video to the end to find out info we did not see or find before we did this install. Like why this unaffiliated link will be helpful for instance_, this was the correct kit for this removal/install. Not this_ found that out too. It will make since when you watch the video.

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Keep imagining, creating &
Mr. Rose & The Mrs.
Wild Rose Haven Homestead

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