Japanese Are Now Openly On TV Talking About Harms Of Covid Vaccine

1 month ago

05/25/2024 In Japan, people are now openly on TV talking about the harms of the Covid vaccine. They said everyone who said “the Covid vaccine is safe” is a liar. A lady said she went to the hospitals, but five hospitals couldn't determine the cause. Finally, at one hospital which also practices Chinese medicine, they told her that it was a side effect of the vaccine. Now, even the creators themselves have already started talking about the side effects of the Covid vaccine. Currently, the vaccinated people are dying tremendously.
05/25/2024 在日本,人们现在在电视上公开谈论新冠疫苗的危害。 他们说,所有宣传“新冠疫苗安全”的人都是骗子。一位女士去了五家医院看病,都无法确定病因, 最后,在一家有中医科室的医院,医生告诉她说这是疫苗副作用。现在,连疫苗制造商自己也开始谈论新冠疫苗的副作用。 目前,接种疫苗的人正在大量死亡。

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