Parrot invents unique word for very loud insect

6 years ago

Cicadas are large insects that emerge from the ground in the summer as larva. They shed their skin on trees and buildings as they enter their adult stage and get ready to mate. Male cicadas produce very loud calls for the purpose of finding a female. The sound they make can be damaging to the human ear if the cicada made the sound just outside the human ear. It is often difficult to tell precisely where a cicada song is coming from. In late afternoon the sound of the cicadas are very loud and Einstein heard them singing one day. Einstein's owner would say, "Cicada" whenever she heard them while sitting with Einstein in the screen porch. Einstein has never duplicated the sound, (Thank goodness!) but he was interested in learning the word and invented his own version of it.

Einstein the Talking Texan Parrot is a silly, smart, and popular parrot who loves to talk and entertain! He likes to have conversations with his owners, talking and acting silly, and doing animal sound imitations. Watch him sing and dance in his video compilations! With his amazing talking abilities, and funny antics, Einstein the talking parrot's videos will keep you entertained for hours! Einstein parrot is also famous for some of his silly quotes and sayings. Online, Einstein the talking parrot is popular across many social media platforms. Einstein's favorite places to talk at home is perched on the shower wall, in the kitchen on his drawer, and on his screened in back porch.

As stated on his website, Einstein's mission statement: "To entertain and bring joy, to foster the human-parrot bond, and to convey that parrots are deserving of immeasurable amounts of patience, nurturing, and companionship." Einstein's website ( is designed to inform you about the care of parrots and also entertain you.

Living with a parrot is a big commitment. Parrots live a very long time. They require a lot of care, proper nutrition, training, time and patience. Parrots need a lot of attention and lots of toys and activities to keep from being bored. Parrots are also expensive. It is often said, Having a parrot is much like raising a 2 or 3 year old child for the rest of your life!

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