Young Man Catches Major Air On Failed Sled Attempt

5 years ago

You never know what you’re going to get when it comes to sledding. Sometimes you find yourself on a gentle relaxing slide down a snowy hill. Other times you find yourself violently tossed about by hills and bumps or just a rough landing. This video is a combination of both. The kid in the video loses his sled fairly early and gets bumped around on the hill and then ha has a rough landing after being launched into the air by a hill toward the bottom.

Actually, on rewatch, I don’t think he even had a sled at all. Hmm. All I can think about now is how much ice and snow probably went up his pants and jacket. Now that is uncomfortable. But lets talk about other things. Once when I was a kid we built a fort inside this huge hedge of brambles that ran alongside the basketball court in our local park. In the spring and summer the hedge grew green leaves and our fort was hidden from sight. We could build inside the hedge because there were two kind of pathways through the middle of the plants.

I’m not sure if someone intentionally cut pathways into the hedge, but I don’t think so. If I recall, it was still kind of a struggle to crawl through and find the fort hole in the middle of it. That said, it is not like a bunch of neighborhood kids were tending the hedge. Still, we had chairs and cushions in the fort. There were boxes and hidey-holes for putting candy and toys. It was super fun and we spent many a season just hanging out in there. We even did it in the winter as well.

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