Chinese Medicine Dietary Secrets for Coughs, Cholesterol, Hormones and Longevity With Dr Angela Zeng

30 days ago

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4:09 - Benefits of eating Chinese yam for women’s health
6:06 - lowering your cholesterol and treat a cough with black wood ear mushroom
7:18 - Clear a vaginal infection, boost your immune system and regulate your hormone cycle
15:15 - Homemade soy milk vs scientist created store bought soy milk
19:23 - Angela’s personal story with making herbs
23:28 - Where to find Karviva drinks

This episode is the second part of a two part series with Dr. Angela Zeng. East Asian medicine has a lot of food remedies for common medical issues. Unless you study Chinese Medicine or are born into a family that has roots in Asia you may never ever hear of these medicine secrets passed on through generations. Lucky for you - Dr. Angela Zeng is sharing her family’s remedies and research with her company, Karviva Beverages. Dr. Angela Zeng is a former pathology research scientist turned entrepreneur who is passionate about bridging the gap between Eastern holistic health practices and modern wellness. As the founder of Karviva Beverages, she creates wellness drinks that use her Eastern medicine knowledge to address modern concerns. In part 2 part of the series with Dr. Angela Zeng, Dr. Jannine Krause and Dr. Angela Zeng talk about Asian foods that are beneficial for hormone balancing, the digestive system and more!

What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

Hormone balancing benefits of lotus seeds and Chinese wild yam
2 foods you’d never guess that lower cholesterol
A soup from a specific mushroom for coughs
What to eat for for chronic vaginal infections
Black soybeans and homemade black soybean milk for estrogen support
The connection between cooking your food and longevity

Resources From The Show:
Karviva Beverages - KARVIVATCM20

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