Lying their weaselly black guts out to young voters!

4 months ago

Lying their weaselly black guts out to young voters!
54.9K subscribers

3,656 views May 26, 2024 UNITED KINGDOM
Rishi Sunak & Keir Starmer have been talking about young people, view their votes differently, yet both offer bad news for them.
Right, so both the Tories and Labour have decided to target young voters, but whereas Sunak seems intent on driving away what few of them might support him in a bid to woo older voters instead, pitching young against old, Keir Starmer prefers his old established trick of seemingly choosing to lie to them and act like he’s offering young people something, opting to put a big fat sweetener on the table for some would be voters, pitching an idea that has proven popular amongst teen voters or would be voters for a very long time. The problem Starmer has though, is that this particular pitch for the youth vote is already being exposed as a cynical ploy and a promise to ditch later like so many others, because as much as he’s promising something lovely with one hand, he’s already taken something away with the other and is arguably about to make that particular broken promise a whole lot worse.
Right, so Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer have in recent days, early days of the election campaign, outlined some of their intentions as far as young people and young voters go and their opposing approaches certainly exposes their party attitudes towards the youth vote and despite their policies and how they will run the country being virtually identical, they have very different attitudes towards young voters and that clearly stems from where the youth vote has gone in recent years. Very few people below the age of 40, never mind the teen voters or young adult voters that are the focus of this video, look towards the Tories anymore, that’s been a trend for a long time now, removing their ability to study in Europe was a smack in the teeth, hiking their tuition fees already has been another, so it simply isn’t a demographic that the Tories appeal to, therefore they’ll keep on punching down on them it seems. In fact according to YouGov, the Tories are no longer the most popular party amongst anyone below the age of 70 and if that isn’t indicative of a party that is dying out, I don’t know what is. However it does reflect Sunak’s policy move towards young people, and that is a pitch to reintroduce National Service. The last people who actually did any of that, literally are over 70, the last conscripts, were those born before the 1st October 1939, so these would be people aged 85, or will turn that this year, or over. The idea of today’s youth, in fact anyone under the age of 40 for the most part, being proud to serve in the armed forces by force, in an attempt to foster a sense of national pride, when this country is led by politicians acting like global pariahs and operating in the interests of the rich and not ordinary working class people is farcical. The very reason young people don’t want to vote for you, is because you disgust them and everything you stand for disgusts them and they certainly I would imagine – I certainly would feel like this – they have no intention of risking their lives for rich people, who have blighted the lives of them and their families.

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Hi, I'm Damien Willey. I'm a former welder, but now I'm a writer, blogger, vlogger and presenter and interviewer with Socialist Telly (Please do go and visit what we all get up to on / socialisttelly )
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