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The Mayas

9 months ago

RTM's latest video explores the ancient civilization of the Mayas. The Mayas flourished in the Yucatan Penisula for hundreds of years until the time of their decline. The religion, culture, and ruins of the Mayas are discussed in this video. Connections to cosmology, elongated skulls, and dragons are all made in this week's video.

Website: https://www.reformedtruther.com

Music: Aztec Empire by Jimena Contreras

Mayan Ritual by Jimena Contreras

"FROST" by Alexander Nakarada 🇳🇴

"THE WORLD'S MOST EPIC SEA SHANTY" by Alexander Nakarada 🇳🇴


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  • Thanks Joe It's a common theme, the corruption of the Genesis account through ancient civilisations. Also I expect ancient peoples were of higher mental and physical capabilities than current. My Great, great grandfather was one of the first protestant missionaries to Ceylon (Sri Lanka). He was a prolific writer. One of his books is Oriental illustrations of Holy Scripture. (J S Roberts) It shows how the Hindu's have customs and practices derived from the Genesis account. If you are interested I can send you a copy as a PDF. Or you might be able to find it on Google.