As we have learned to see in recent years: The truth is a lion and needs no protection.

4 months ago

Neil Oliver : "...blatant efforts by a WHO funded most enthusiastically by the biggest private landowner in the US, multibillionaire salesman of so-called vaccines Bill Gates to destroy the sovereignty of the populations of the world and give total control to unelected unaccountable entities focused only on wealth and power.

Here's the thing, having exposed themselves so completely during the Covid era and having unwittingly kept the spotlight on the anti-human self seeking agenda those chronic liars find they have no alternative finally but to seek to control that which they fear most of all, which is the simple truth.

They would demonize and then criminalize those who speak the truth with censorship and legislation. That much is plain to see. But as we have learned to see in recent years: The truth is a lion and needs no protection. We have only to set it free and it will take care of itself."

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