Khan Younis Jaw Dropping Staggering Destruction Everywhere From Sick Sadistic IDF Troops Having Fun

1 month ago

Khan Younis Jaw Dropping Staggering Destruction Everywhere From Sick Sadistic IDF Troops Having Fun
ريهام العماوي

محافظة خانيونس بعد انسحاب الاحت لال شي لا يصدق

Khan Yunis Governorate after the occupation's withdrawal is unbelievable

crochet mina life

لن نرحل 🇵🇸✌️ تعالوا شوفوا شو عملوا في بيوتنا وزكرياتنا ما زادونا الا تعلق بأرضن

May 2 2024
We will not leave 🇵🇸✌️ Come and see what they did to our homes and our memories. They did not decrease our attachment to our lands.


‘It’s Bisan From Gaza, Look At What U.S. Weapons Have Done’

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