Cui vectigal vectigal Bell: Aseer The Duke of Tiers

6 months ago

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Cui vectigal vectigal Bell:
translates to
For Whom the Bell Tolls

The harmonic resonance strike pitch of a bell is roughly an octave
below the RIR partial m = 4 (the nominal) provided that the nominal lies
broadly in the range 500 Hz to 1500 Hz. The human body has a natural frequency of around 7.5 Hz when standing and 4–6 Hz when sitting in a cab.
The human body also has a vibrational frequency range of 62–70 MHz.
Die Glocke (German: [diː ˈɡlɔkə], "The Bell") was a purported top-secret
scientific technological device, wonder weapon, or Wunderwaffe developed
in the 1940s in Nazi Germany. First described by Polish journalist and author
Igor Witkowski in Prawda o Wunderwaffe (2000),it was later popularized by military journalist and author Nick Cook, who associated it with Nazi Occultism, anti gravity, and Free energy suppression research. Mainstream reviewers have criticized claims about Die Glocke as being Pseudoscientific, recycled rumors. However the recently released CIA documents on Tartaria has proven to all to be true. This treatise delves into this practice of the healing bells, and how they were used to repel the otherworldly energies of shape-shifters, and other dimensional entities. The sound of the bell is considered auspicious which welcomes divinity and dispels evil. This video also dispels the fallacy of the sovereign citizen movement, it's origins, and how it has nothing to do with Moors or the Moorish Divine and national Movement. While it has everything to do with wight supremacists, Rouge Nazis, and satanic occultists who seek to use our Movement as a shield for their trickery. So Stay vigilant.
PS Youtube messes with the speed on my longer videos so please bear with it if it happens, i'm looking into how to stop them form doing it. The video plays straight and on time on My ADOT app, so please subscribe there as well.
Thank you
RIP Kmac El Bey

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