June 2 - Song of Songs 1-8 - 2024 Bible Study

9 months ago

No video today due to a technical glitch - sorry! And happy birthday, Julie! ❤️

Our Chronological Bible reading plan for June 2, 2024 is Song of Songs (or Song of Solomon) 1-8.

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We are believers of Jesus reading and studying the Bible together in chronological order. This video podcast is a chronological Bible study companion. If you are interested in chronological Bible study, the Bible In Order podcast is for you! We provide daily Bible study devotions to compliment your Daily Bible reading / Chronological Bible Reading in a year guide.

The conversation is a reading and analysis of the book Song of Songs, also known as Song of Solomon, which is an allegory depicting the relationship between God and his church. The book is written as a dialogue between a woman and a man, with interjections from young women. The woman represents believers, while the man represents God or Jesus. The book explores the deep love and longing between God and his people, using imagery of beauty, desire, and devotion. The conversation emphasizes the emotional and spiritual connection between believers and God, and the future reunion between God and his people.

Song of Songs is an allegory depicting the relationship between God and his church.
The book explores the deep love and longing between God and his people.
The dialogue between the woman and the man represents the emotional and spiritual connection between believers and God.
The book uses imagery of beauty, desire, and devotion to convey the love between God and his people.
The future reunion between God and his people is emphasized.

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Transcripts and more are available at the BIO (Bible In Order) website: https://bibleinorder.com
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