(12) 1 Corinthians 6 vs 1 - 11, Know Ye not, that Judgment Must begin in the house of God !

9 months ago

This is the 2nd part of the teaching. We as Christians are called to call out sin in the body. To not do so or to turn a blind eye is sin itself, and possible damning that person to hell. why? Because they think the behavior is perfectly acceptable. God is serious about sin and it should not be found in the body. We are to non hypocritically judge in the body, and to discipline accordingly. In the case the puffed leaders were turning a blind eye and not addressing the issue of incest. Today's church is often doing exactly that , with the idea that we don't want to offend anyone . To take the matter to a worldly court with worldly morals is even worse. This is a very clear passage. It is a warning and we need to take heed to not follow the way of the Corinthians. Sin is Sin ! There is no Salvation without Repentance, There is no Repentance without conviction, There is no Conviction without the Holy Ghost. We as the church are guilty of many of these things. It is time to take heed and follow God's teachings through Paul. A must watch !

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