This is the real reason they are super afraid of me and all of you out there

1 month ago

This is the real reason they are super afraid of me and all of you out there
September 2022

i know where they live, right now bc i am “that little girl” … their cryptographic inter dimensional skeleton key … oops. stupid boys with toys thought she was dead. awww .. then the people here i call psinergists … they got behind me two days in a row and the second day was very real. this is the real reason brighteon fucked up so hard .. they have not know what to do with me besides try to send ppl but eqch time they were met with good guys. so then i cry and touch back safely with the nodes and lei lines and some psinergists prayed all night. yeah .bc we know how to kick their ass, shunt them out, shut them down and reroute our loved ones and shield

€ ritual? no. magic beads? no.
their same lopan wban bullshit … oh. you mean legit math sabrina? yeah.

dude … if that bitch talks .. they will know how to break in our skiff shit front door .. better shut her up fast.
and they thought it was about being pissed at the redirective patriot mouths
i /am/ that little girl and i took copious accurate notes. the psinergists pay attention to God, like i do. now do you see how yall kicked em in the nads three days ago?
w3ll d0n3.

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