Susie: facilitator of healing, acupressure & body memories | Manifesting a positive reality on Terra

7 months ago

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In this video interview on the "Manifesting a positive reality on Terra" series, Susie shares more information about her practice of acupressure and discusses the crucial notion of the practitioner being a facilitator of self-healing for the patient rather than a healer per se. This self-empowerment of the client is paramount!

She also discusses the important role of acupressure as a way to transmute trauma in the body in a more direct way than other more mind-oriented or word-oriented modalities, which are important as well, but often work in a different and less direct fashion. She also mentions how this modality sometimes facilitates the recovery of some memories by patients, although it is not the primary goal.

In have interviewed Susie previously on my channel, where she has shared about her practice but also about her galactic connections and memories with the Ahil, not from the Manahu (Pleiades) but from the Mana star system (K62 star system of the "Lyran constellation") :

👉Acupressure, healing mission & Ahil Lyran:
👉Discussing acupressure as a support to the collective:

👉Susie’s Telegram channel "Sacred Source Angelic Healing":
👉Susie’s Facebook page" Sacred Source Angelic Healing":

#ManifestingAPositiveRealityOnTerra #acupressure #bodymemory

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