Jesus Died According to the Scriptures

29 days ago

The Roman Empire crucified thousands of people. They also were involved in the crucifixion of Jesus. But the crucifixion of Jesus was different in many ways. I invite you to come and listen to this message on how the crucifixion of Jesus was different and how it impacts you.

Sermon Notes
John 19:17 Jesus bears His own cross
John 19:18 He was crucified between two men
John 19:19 – 22 Pilate has an inscription written and the Jews object, but Pilate leaves it
John 19:23 – 25a The soldiers gamble for Jesus’ clothing – according to the Scriptures
John 19:25b – 27 Even while being crucified He makes sure His mother is cared for
John 19:28 & 29 Jesus says “I am thirsty” – according to the Scriptures
John 19:30 Jesus gives up His Spirit, it is not taken from Him
1 Corinthians 15:3 Jesus died for our sins according to the Scriptures

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