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15 seconds

15 seconds


Streamed on:

MenaceCraft Stream

Menacecraft Server Info
You can add any Minecraft server to your Multiplayer list (as a shortcut) by clicking the "Add Server" button under Multiplayer.

Next enter MenaceGamer.com in the Server Address and click Done.

You will need to search for a list of compatible dns servers and there are a few lists online but trial and error is needed to test.

Please note this feature is very new and might not be supported for Bedrock Edition users in the future.

IP address:
Port number: 25731

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • Messing around with OBS for about a week. No problems. Started planning a stream and suddenly I'm crashing. LOL I think I got it all sorted. Hopefully see you at 6:30 pm central tonight. Going to explore a bit and get a job. Make some money and hopefully work on the farm to get the animals some better homes. Probably die to mobs. If I have I have Computer audio sorted out, and any other Menacecrafters show up we'll see if they want to say hello. You can also join the server. Details are in the main description.