Expat Homeschooling & Cultural Integration 🇳🇮

9 months ago

When relocating as a family to a new country, education is a top concern. Do you want to attend the local schools wherever you move to encourage your children integrating into society? Is a private school going to be better? What about attending homeschool? How do you balance education, family time and integration? What about socialization? If you homeschool your kids will they make local friends?

We are a family that moved from the USA to Nicaragua and have chosen homeschooling as the methodology for our two girls since the very beginning. But as someone who went through both private and public schools personally, and have many friends that use both locally, I provide some insights on the thought processes to consider behind this decision. Today's topic is not location based, but we'll provide some specifics about society and education in Nicaragua as this is where we are specifically based.

#Nicaragua #homeschooling #homeschool #education #expat

14 May 2024

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