Rapper Nicki Minaj Arrested In Amsterdam For Alleged Drug Possession

3 months ago

The Best Vacation Plan is Staying Put Here in the United States Where You Know Your Rights — If there is one piece of advice I can give my fellow Americans, it's stay in the United States and vacation. We are a country blessed with beautiful beaches, glorious mountains, natural wonders like Niagara Falls and the Grand Canyon, places to hike, spectacular fishing and the list goes on and on. In the latest example of a ridiculous arrest of an American overseas, we have mega star Nicki Minaj. Rapper Nicki Minaj arrested in Amsterdam for alleged drug possession. The incident was filmed on live stream by Minaj. The rapper was told that all her luggage needed to be offloaded from the plane and searched. "They took my luggage & when I asked where it is they said it’s on the plane. It couldn’t have been, I just pulled up," she said on X. "This is Amsterdam btw, where weed is legal."

"Now they said they found weed & that another group of ppl have to come here to weigh the pre-rolls." - "Keep in mind they took my bags without consent. My security has already advised them those pre-rolls belong to him. Oh yea & the pilot wants me to take my ig post down." -- Listen, I don't want to hear all of the cries of 'she had weed, she deserved it'. There is weed everywhere in Amsterdam. They don't care about weed. They care about money. They care about the fines she'll have to pay, the money to the attorney she'll have to pay, she'll probably have to pay off some officials, if the truth be known. Let's be honest. Plus, her security already said the weed was theirs, but they weren't arrested. They arrested the scared female celebrity. If you aren't a woman, it's difficult to understand how scary it is to be arrested by a large group of men, taken to who knows where with no understanding of your rights in that country.

DC_Draino @DC_Draino: “Bryan Hagerich is coming home! This married father of 2 from Pennsylvania was arrested in Turks & Caicos for accidentally having spare bullets left in his suitcase after a hunting trip. It was an honest mistake, ye he faced more than a decade in prison. Senator John Fetterman went down and got him out of jail and back home with his family. Credit where due - thank you Senator.” https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GOY5ectWMAA-t5M?format=jpg&name=small -- Yesterday, we told you about the release of Bryan Hagerich. He was a former major league baseball player, so it's likely he had some markings of wealth. He was in the Turks and Caicos for over 100 days for some loose bullets left over from a former hunting trip. There are still people being held right now. These are CLEARLY not gun runners, but the Turks and Caicos will continue to hold them and shake them down some more.

Franklin Graham @Franklin_Graham: “Pray for MO State Rep. @BenBakerMO, his wife Naomi, & their family. Last night, their daughter Natalie & son-in-law Davy Lloyd were killed by gangs in Haiti, where they were full-time missionaries. Pray for God to comfort & strengthen this family.” -- Finally, and most tragically, two Americans working as missionaries in another country were killed this week. They were the daughter and son-in-law of an American Congressman. I beg Americans to stay home. -- Rep. Keith Self @RepKeithSelf: “🚨Rep. Keith Self RIPS into Biden administration - “President Biden has not only turned his back on our ally Israel, he’s also abandoned the Americans still being held hostage by Hamas.””

Let us not forget, Americans are still being held hostage by Hamas. This circumstance was somewhat different as American Jews want to also be in Israel, a state set aside for the Jewish people where they should feel safe. Unfortunately, because of the far Left and their support of Hamas, Jewish Americans can't even go to school safely at many of our Universities. Once again, this election in November is important. -- David Marcus @BlueBoxDave: “Somebody call Fetterman.” -- John Fetterman can't save everyone arrested out of this country. Please vacation in America. -- GavinMcInnes @XGavinMcInnes: “Most European countries don’t let you film the police. In Spain, they’ll rip your phone out of your hand and just smash it.” -- Stay in America where you can film the police, they are likely wearing body cameras, you speak the language and you can get a lawyer. This is the best advice I can offer.

Rumble: Rep. Keith Self: Biden Turned His Back On Our Ally Israel… Abandoned Americans Held Hostage By Hamas
Twitchy: First American Tourist Held in Turks and Caicos for Possessing Ammo Will Pay Fine and Be Released
CNN: Three missionaries, including American couple, killed by gang in Haiti

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