Product Spec Shoot - 20240526

22 days ago

This is what I do for fun to test my equipment and myself to ensure everything (lights, camera, me, etc.) is ready for the fast and volatile nature of a commercial shoot. This also makes for a great spec videos as well. Of course, in these kinds of shoots, I do not sweat the details as much. For example, the reflective surfaces take time to master, so if testing equipment, I don't spend much time on it. Dust and specks are not always cleaned and/or removed in post. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy viewing my work.

Copyright 2024 by Bob Houghton. All Rights Reserved.



And yes, Bob Houghton Productions is open for business. If you need help with a project -- cinematography, editing, VFX, advanced websites, full video production, etc. -- please, visit my website at for further contact information.

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