UK Government & Monarchy Treason 23 Mar 2001

29 days ago

Government UK Limited, all police districts, councils, courts, DVLA etc etc are ALL Private Limited Corporations. Furthermore these corporations are pirateering for a dissolved City of London Corporation, which is treasonous, and a breach of their own legislation, which is law of commerce. Legislation does NT apply to the living man or living woman, or living child for that matter unless they consented to be government and that consent under Legislation MUST be LAWFUL CONSENT....this means it is to be obtained with fully informed consent (which NEVER happens), without coercion, threat, intimidation, force, violence (the Police will find themselves arrested by the military in due course), fraud, or deception. All you Council workers, brace yourselves for arrest because you too have been involved with several of the above, and you have, along with police, and courts been involved with financial extortion, and Treason. BUCKLE UP!!!

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