Fictional story about how things are going for me and what I think about sometimes

9 months ago

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I put air in the lawn tractor tires thinking I was going to attempt to use the dump cart with it to gather firewood only to find both of the dump carts tires flat and refusing to hold air, I thought I fixed that problem but NOPE, no money but I do have spray foam that might just crush flat under the weight of the wood but the tires are junk anyway, I have to do something, truck is still just sitting there and so is all the firewood out in "the woods" 🥺

Just a fictional (not true) story about how things are going and what I think about sometimes, Don't "read" too far into it, I just got "sidetracked" with movie clips while working on the next video, they make their own video sometimes, it just happened 🤪

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