World War III of Psalm 83 is on the horizon.

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It is a political war with spiritual origins from the 2nd heavens. Prophetically, we are witnessing multiple scriptural fulfillments taking place simultaneously as we watch for our Master’s return.

There are a lot of discussions and arguments concerning Israel’s place in prophetic Scripture of the Last Days as it revolves around the battle of Ezekiel 39. Israel is Elohim’s prophetic timepiece.

Prophecy is not always chronological. Each of the major prophets of the Old Covenant Writings reveal prophetic event do not always prophecy them in the order of their fulfillment. Ezekiel 38 and 39 are not chronological either. Ezekiel 39 takes place before Ezekiel 38. It makes sense that it is including in the current war in Israel. Sit back. Have your popcorn ready for the viewing of Yahweh's deliverance of Israel from her surrounding enemies.

Ezekiel 39 is being fulfilled in conjunction with the Psalm 83 Coalition War, the current battle on Israel’s land we are witnessing. This war is pre-Revelation 1 and is our wakeup for the ingathering.

There are 3 key passages from Ezekiel 39 that demonstrate that the next war, called World War III on our calendars, will actually be the Psalm 83 Coalition War in conjunction with Ezekiel 39.

Ezekiel 39 does not describe the Gog/Magog war of Armageddon in Revelation 20. This war of Gog/Magog occurs in the Valley of Jehoshaphat and on Israel’s mountains, before our ingathering.

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