💥Top Astrologer Pam Gregory Reveals MAJOR 2024/2025 SHIFT: What You NEED to Know!

9 months ago

💥Top Astrologer Pam Gregory Reveals MAJOR 2024/2025 SHIFT: What You NEED to Know!

Emilio Ortiz on YouTube video link & info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7jxs1ST5kU

May 25, 2024 Just Tap In with Emilio Ortiz
Our latest interview with astrologer, Pam Gregory, covers major 2024/2025 shifts, such as the most recent April 8th solar eclipse, Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, the role of water and consciousness, tips for raising our frequency, and much more.

This all-new, exclusive Pam Gregory interview also touches on insights into the current energetic shifts and the potential for personal and collective transformation. We discuss the power of manifestation and the role of plasma and geometry in the process. Pam emphasizes the importance of staying focused, trusting the process, and living in coherence with positive emotions. Pam also explores the emergence of new species, geomagnetic storms, galactic contact, new land masses, the significance of Earth in raising consciousness, and the potential for a revolution of love.

✦ You can also watch our first interview with Pam Gregory |

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Pam Gregory has been involved with astrology for 45 years, it is her passion to help people. She sees astrology as a profound and sacred language of geometry and meaning that helps us to see the bigger picture. Her interest lies in seeing astrology in the context of our spiritual journey, and how new astrological discoveries are expanding our view of our life on Earth. She achieved the highly respected Faculty of Astrological Studies Diploma (DFAstrolS) after 8 years of study, then graduated with Highest Honours in her Masters course. Pam is the author of two books called, "You Don’t Really Believe in Astrology, Do You?" and "How to Co-Create Using the Secret Language of the Universe."



0:00 - Pam Gregory Trailer
1:40 - What is Humanity Currently Shedding? (Eclipses & Conjunctions)
4:13 - Exploring New Rabbit Holes: Water & Light
6:20 - Silver and Diamond Light (Jupiter & Uranus)
8:05 - The Heart is an Electromagnetic Portal
12:40 - The Aquarian Age
16:04 - Jupiter & Uranus Conjunction & Kundalini Awakening
18:10 - Solar Eclipse, Religion, Inner Authority
21:54 - Understanding Higher Dimensions
24:30 - Development of Psychic Abilities
27:50 - Pam Shares Her Past Life in France
35:10 - Clearing Traumas & New Beginnings
36:26 - Connection to the Arcturian Beings
38:50 - Uranus, Aquarius, Galactic Connections
43:30 - The Power of Focus & Manifestation
46:45 - Crystalline and Plasma Template
52:20 - Feeling the Full Emotional Spectrum
54:05 - Evolutionary Leaps and New Specimens
58:25 - New Land Masses Emerging
1:03:50 - Why Earth is Pivotal
1:06:00 - Supermoon & Astrology Predictions
1:08:33 - Themes for 2024 & Raising Your Frequency
1:12:50 - Spiritual Discipline: Saturn in Pisces
1:15:35 - Is this the Greatest Evolution in Human History?
1:17:58 - Greatest Truths Being Revealed Right Now
1:18:58 - The Revolution of Love
1:20:15 - Highest Potential for Humanity


Guest: Pam Gregory, Astrologer
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Host: Emilio Ortiz
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