Victor Davis Hanson: Annihilation, Genocide, and World War III | Robinson's Podcast #208

9 months ago

Victor Davis Hanson: Annihilation, Genocide, and World War III | Robinson's Podcast #208
Robinson Erhardt
24.9K subscribers

49,275 views May 20, 2024

Victor Davis Hanson is a renowned classicist, military historian, and political commentator. He is the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow in Residence in Classics and Military History at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. Among numerous other awards, Victor was presented the National Humanities Medal in 2007. In this episode, Robinson and Victor discuss his latest book, The End of Everything: How Wars Descend into Annihilation (Basic Book, 2024), which was released on May 7th. More particularly, they cover the historical connection between annihilation and genocide, how we should interpret the past through today’s moral standards, genocides in the present, and the likelihood of World War III. Victor appeared as a guest on episode #112, in which he and Robinson talked about what was at the time Victor’s latest book, The Dying Citizen. He was also a guest on episode #191, which covered Victor’s views on the current crisis in Israel and Palestine. Keep up with Victor on Twitter, through his website, and on his podcast, The Victor Davis Hanson Show.

Victor’s Website: ⁠

Victor’s Twitter: ⁠ / vdhanson⁠

The Victor Davis Hanson Show:

The Dying Citizen: ⁠

The End of Everything:

00:00 Introduction
03:41 On Annihilation, Extinction, and Genocide
09:31 What Causes Genocide?
16:38 The Applicability of Military Strategy to Everyday Life
24:00 On Alexander the Great
36:26 Should We Judge the People of the Past by the Moral Standards of the Present?
44:29 Uyghurs, Jews, and Genocides of the Present
50:45 What Are the Biggest Existential Threats to America?
59:28 Is World War III on the Horizon?

Robinson’s Website: ⁠

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