Amazing Satire Video against reprobates from video "YAH'S TRUTH & WORD against Public Warnings,YAHUSHUAisLORD works of Judas'"

9 months ago

this is a mirrored video. Originally Published on May 7, 2013 by ABBASBeeloved or
Please click on above links to watch more videos,(or read) teachings, warnings, prophecies from Heaven.

This video and work of YAHUVEH is a Righteous Stand for THE TRUTH OF YAH against the deceptions, lies, and attacks from both PublicWarnings, YAHUSHUAisLord, and the works of Judas' which we have to take a firm stand against if we profess to be True Believers of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'S/JESUS CHRIST WHO IS our SAVIOR, SOON COMING KING, AND CREATOR OF ALL THINGS.

Publicwarnings started off on the right path, having enough discernment to see the truth within this Ministry, AmightyWind. But as she allowed her spiritual growth to become stagnant early on when stubbornness and jealousy drives one forward, or in this case I should say backwards. Despite the love, counsel and attention we showed Terra, we now began to see her wander off, surfing all over the Youtube and the internet searching for more, swallowing every false doctrine and lie out there. As you will see in this testimony of mine, how she ended up from serving the true LORD GOD YAHUVEH of the Bible to serving satan with everything that is in her. This immediate transition has no mystery behind it, Covetousness, Jealousy, Curiosity, and Rebellion were the main factors in Terra's down fall.

When she joins with YAHUSHUAisLORD (Cain), aka Anthony you will see her rebellion reach a new level. As she joins with this satanist in his quest to destroy a Holy Ministry that belongs to GOD YAHUVEH. This is complete insanity, they are fighting against GOD and who are they to knock GOD off of HIS throne?

For Part Two you can go to YDSShieldMaiden this one of her secondary Youtube accounts.

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