The $500,000 Therapy for Turbo Cancer Patients: Dr William Makis

22 days ago

Dr William Makis is an immunologist/oncologist/radiologist who ran one of the world's most successful public cancer treatment programs, in Ontario, Canada. The Canadian federal government under Justin Trudeau closed it down, transferred it to British Columbia and monetised it. This made the program inaccessible to most Canadians, with wealthy foreigners flying in to pay privately for the treatment now. Learn more about his story here:
and here:

Dr Makis has been speaking out against Big Pharma for years now, and this intensified when he recognised that Canadian doctors - mandated to take the Covid-19 products - began experiencing excess mortality, followed by his recognition that similar rates of excess deaths were occurring across mandated professions. He coordinates a team who are monitoring the phenomenon in Canada in order to alert the world.

Here he gives a summary of a new cancer treatment therapy in clinical trials, using the example of Australian pathologist, Professor Richard Scolyer, a trial participant with glioblastoma, an aggressive brain cancer.
This has been reported as one of the cancers occurring in higher than expected rates amongst mRNA vaccine participants.

Evidence here that ivermectin (one of the safe and cheap drugs Dr Makis names in this clip as being useful for cancer treatment) inhibits glioblastomas:

Learn more about the suppression of existing, safe and effective cancer treatments by Big Pharma, whose business model relies on the constant cycle of discovering new and expensive treatments here:

More on the anticipated neurological harms of gene therapies sold to the world as "vaccines" here:


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