Episode 64G Daniel 7 notes

1 month ago

These are the concordance notes on Daniel 7. In this episode I go over the Anti-Christ and his characteristics. This discusses his good looks, his charisma, how people turn to him to save them and how he then expects them to worship him. He begins to persecute the Christians or anyone who criticizes him.
I am doing this to raise money to open an office for Ozark Hunger Relief. I started this non-profit as a result of feeding many children who came over to visit my kids. They were very hungry and were desperate for food. The reason was that their parents were drug addicts or alcoholics and had no money left over. They would lots of food, and take as much (and steal) as they could with them.
I was hungry as a kid and was and still am so grateful to anyone who would feed me. I still think of people who gave me food, we were very skinny.
Anyway, I will open this office and give kids a place to go for food, or help. I have a whole business plan to make it a resource center for adults too. I will not let children and adults mix in the office, but I will help anyone who needs it.

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