How do you tell a cow has bird flu?

4 months ago

Clay Clark: What's your reaction to the bird flu propaganda scare being pushed in Michigan right now?
Dr Judy Mikovits: Okay! What's the test? Do the cows have the antibody to bird flu? Because every single injection a cow was given in a vaccine injected Avian Bird flu. So you're testing positive for what you injected in your shots. How many shots did you give your cow? What they just told you? They tested cattle and they found out three herds of cattle, is that what I heard? They tested positive for bird flu. Are the cows falling down? How do you tell a cow has bird flu? Are the cows getting diarrhea? Are the cows sick? Are the cows sneezing? Do the cows have a bit of a fever? What are they testing? And it's gonna go right back to the moronic PCR test which was "rape” up your nose that had nothing to do with SARSCoV2! What are we testing and what is positive? Are we being fooled by the same fear porn?
What are they doing to those cows? Are they quarantining them outside? How stupid are we? Take a look at our Twitter space. I showed you the MMR5 from Italy has avian that would be a bird leukosis virus. That means it makes your white blood cells fall apart. Are the cows white blood cells falling apart. How do we know our cows are sick? The infectious agent is not the disease! Injecting the infection!
Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 05/22/2024
Full interview with Clay Clark on Thrivetime Show:

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