Hidden Treasures: Our Top Guilty Pleasures Exposed l Episode 35 l You Heard What I Said Podcast

9 months ago

Congrats to all the 2024 Graduates! You are all on your way to a bigger and brighter future. Set your goals, put in the work, believe in your abilities and watch your dreams come true! Let's toast to the new graduates as they embark on new and exciting adventures. So get your drink ready and toast with us as we begin another episode of the You Heard What I Said Podcast.

Kion and I are sharing our guilty pleasures with everyone on this episode. These are things that should be done in moderation, but sometimes we may indulge. We might feel guilty afterwards but enjoy every moment while in the process. These guilty pleasures range from food, reality tv, social media and of course they're some things that we can't quite share with the world. Because I'm sure yall know what Kion was referring to when he said no, but shakes his head Yes! Lol!

Don’t forget, Kion and I have some great new ventures that we are super excited to share with all of you. We have the You Heard What I Said White Noise live on Rumble and now released to our YouTube page. Welcome to You Heard What I Said White Noise on YouTube. Also, stay tuned as we have more exciting features coming as we continue to grow our channel.

Join in on the fun and comment your responses and tell us your top guilty pleasures. We are more than happy to hear from all of you! If you have a question for one or both of us, feel free to share on our page. As always, these are our personal experiences that we’re sharing with everyone! Thank you to all of our new subscribers, we appreciate you tuning in and hopefully enjoying the show! We aim to bring light, laughter, and fun to every episode. Just two siblings seeking to bring joy and enlightenment to every viewer.

Topic #1: What are your Guilty Pleasures?
#Viral #FYP #HappyBirthday #ItsHotOutside #NBAPlayoffs #Outside #MysteryMovie #Ezra #Autism #Dramedy #PromSendoff #Congrats2024Graduates #PartyBus #GetYourDrinkReady #ClinkClinkClink #SugarWater #GuiltyPleasures #HomeRunnInnPizza #Ruffles #SnackDrawer #RealityTV #WhiteNoise #Laughter #Thankful #40PlusClub #Outtakes #HardKnockOnTheBeat #YouKnowYouKnow #YouHeardWhatISaid #Kion #Precious #Podcast
Watch episodes on YouTube: @youheardwhatisaid.com
Listen on Spotify: You heard what I said podcast
Follow Kion on Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook: @kionsaid37
Follow Precious on Instagram & Snapchat: @precioussaid888

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