ARTICLE V: Constitutional Amendment by CONVENTION

23 days ago

I want to put out there an Amendment to the Constitution to create an independent civilian investigative body to indict the real perpetraitors of 9/11 and all the horseshit that passed thru the floodgates ever since. 9/11 was a monumental LIE and it drastically reshaped the landscape into fear of terror aimed at the middle east. This plan proposes several layers to it. We have to CANVASS THE WORLD and get the State Legislatures on board across the board. By doing it by convention (Which has never been done before) we avert the Congress and the Senate, those bought douche bags. It's up to the states, and 2/3rds have to sign on. It has to be ratified by 3/4 of the State Legislatures. This is a GEN X Endeavour. The Babyboomers had their chance. It's up to us to get on board the wake up train and spread it throughout the world. The investigative team will be made up of civilians the world over, because as it happened, people from all over the world worked at the Trade Center. Sunday Night at 8 pm May 26, visit for the link to Streamyard. People can also chat in the 9/11 The BIGGET LIE Chat Room. See you guys tomorrow at the MEETING OF THE MINDS!!

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