Dr Naomi Wolf - Greatest Crime Against Humanity- Censored By The White House

28 days ago

Dr. Naomi Wolf has been speaking out about the evil side effects of the Bioweapon injections. Here with Alex Jones on InfoWars, She is still speaking out:
Joint pain is a top side effect crippling many, casing joint-replacements, terrible chronic pains, strokes, heart damage, blood clots, dementia, and most of all crossing blood brain barriers- damaging the brain-- hacking the human body. It centers on destroying human reproduction . Within 48 hours it crosses every membrane in the human body. It destroys the body from within.
Pfirzer petitioned Congress not to disclose the ingredients for 75 years, through that politics 55,000 Pfizer documents were released that had been secret. She put the call to the world to read them and organize them into report people can read. They did. They are published in a book called "The Pfizer Docs".
They knew by May 2021 that children's hearts were being damaged, The Isreali Ministry of Health knew this as well. They knew it did not prevent any infections. They knew it should never be given to a pregnant woman, they knew it kiled and harmed...as. anyone can read in their own words.
The Whole Cabal, Amazon, Facebook, Google all spreading fears and lies. Google invested in the Vaccines and the PCR Test!!
The central goal of the vaccine is to destroy human reproduction. The injections cross into the ovaries and blocks them, the lips-nano particles damage semen that destroys baby boys in utero. We do not know if babies of vaccinated mom will grow up to be normal men or ever be able to have children. Women are damaged for life, some bleeding every day.
There is an 8 page report proving the shots kill babies from EXETERNAL exposure to others who are vaccinated- by just being close to a vaccinated person- shedding-transmission .
It is a war on humanity. Babies were targeted, women were targeted, nursing women were targeted The West was targeted, America was targeted, most of the destructive side effects occurred in America! The rest of the world targeted by international political importance... The documents prove this.
This is worse than the Jewish Holocaust this attack- the damage will go on for generations, DNA has been changed. Birth rates have gone way down in America per the goverment's own records. 14-20% drop in live births. Midwives and doctors report that placetias are not growing properly, they are compromised by the lipid-nano-particles limiting nurishment to babies in utero. They are born with a gap between their lungs and their chest wall, are rushed to the hospital and die. Horrific!

Alex confirmes it is damaging cows, pigs, all animals reproduction.
Pfizer documents say shedding is real, It appears to be an attack on all human life. Something demonic - evil is a unified field of energy. What the world is experiencing is damagaging what is most divine,, love, intimacy, babies, empathy, families fertility. Child bearing age woman and fighting age men are being targeted. By design. Fighting age men are being paid to illegally cross our borders to replace American men and woman dead in our military and citizens dead and disabled by the bioweapon injections. These illegal fighting age men are now 'stationed' in barracks all over the United States their houseing paid for. A New Globalist Army Here in The U.S.A. paid - awaiting orders. China wants our energy sources, our grid our lands, but not our populations. We are being invaded from within.

Facing the Beast - a book by Dr. Naomi Wolf...
Organizations were paid millions of dollars to inject people to promote the injections to lie to women, to hurt and kill babies.
Every single human right was attacked, AI is employed to do this. Church gatherings were banned, school banned, hugging banned, being with family banned, free speeched banned, assaulting all vital human systems to destroy humanity.
Our prayers to God are powerful and needed to fight with our love and goodness in Unity against this world-wide evil. It is a Spiritual War. We must dedicate our hearts to fight the evil. When a handful of people sacrifice with love to speak out and take actions it makes a huge difference, So many good men and women who are fighting this evil.

Naomi is learning to shoot a gun, be prepared, stock up. We must clean up our elections, Her book ' Facing the Beast' has a Bill that has been introduced in five states to restore election integrity. Her website is DailyClout.io. Visit her website to know more, to find all the Prizer Docs.

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