Counting of Omer Day 27 B on Prayer 2024

2 months ago

This is the B to the previous on prayer. Today we go over the word prayer in hebrew, "teffilot" "teffilah" and disect it in ancient Aramaic Hebrew so that you can see it's multidimensional meanings.
I attribute this teaching to Alan Horvath who was a great teacher, and is, on Youtube with the ottiot.
We are discussing in this series how important it is to know what your role is as a Melchizedek Priest. If you are "in Christ," "in Moshiach," you ARE a Melchizedek Priest in His Order, as He is the Cohen Gadol, the High Priest and we have a duty to submit our services to Him especially in this day and time. It is my contention that we are "Priests of War," this side of heaven and the cross. Learn how to put on your epoch and come along with me friends as we count up to Pentecost.
(Yesterday I mentioned Hebrews, we don't know who the author of Hebrews is, my mistake, I personally think that it was John.)

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