Overcoming Color Subjectivity -190

3 months ago

Truth in color is in the relations between notes. How that works and how managing relationships prevents color distortion and reduces subjectivity and arbitrariness in painting from life is what I am trying to bring out of these questions.

In Response to Antiguos

QUESTION:I have a question, color theory says that the outside world is colorless, that actual Color is not the property of objects but the retina. I take it this is what the impreossionists where searching. How do we deal with simultaneous contrast? Or succesive constrast or an afterimage? The retina plays color tricks on what we see, and light affects color since it changes with the ilumination. Wouldn’t that make the impressionists work illusory and not truthful? Since color is not real, a teacher will see color one way , and the student will see it another way, the camera can’t even capture color? Wouldnt it make the work of the masters more real? Since they painted monocromatically representing form , and separated color? Even though they did not know what we know of color by way of science? Color as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, why then bother to pursue something that is not true? These then would mean that the expressionists were actually trying to link color to emotion? Isn’t this the way we respond more to visual images? In a painting that has a harmonious combination we feel is a good picture because those relationships are right. Color theory says that the eye is always balancing and adjusting what reaches the retina, because vision as any other sense was an adaptation to survive, human beings were not born to be painters but is an acquired skill since we learn to see because our eyes get trained. The average Joe does not see the world as a painter, yet we talk about beauty , poetry and all that Jazz, but is actually not how people see, a painter has overdevelop his eye by observation (imagine acquiring a microscope or a magnifying glass ), but how can we say that we offer a truth if its only subjective?


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