
9 months ago

影片描述:五歲男孩Ryan Hammons,向父母講述自己在荷里活生活、拍電影、做「agent」的歲月。被Ryan這些記憶困擾的母親Cyndi Hammons向有豐富研究後輪迴個案經驗的Jim Tucker醫生求助,經多年眾專家研究後,被發掘出的證據令專家們相信Ryan多年來所言非虛,荷里活臨時演員兼明星經理人Marty Martyn就是Ryan的前世。Ryan個案是University of Virginia School of Medicine Division of Perceptual Studies多年來收集的眾多引證輪迴現象客觀存在個案之一。










Reincarnation and Biology: A Contribution to the Etiology of Birthmarks and Birth Defects, Vol. I & II, Ian Stevenson M. D., Praeger, 9 Apr. 1997.

Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation: Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged, Ian Stevenson M. D., University of Virginia Press, 29 Oct. 1980.

Searching For The Science Behind Reincarnation, aired on Weekend Edition, 5 Jan. 5, 2014: https://www.npr.org/2014/01/05/259886077/searching-for-science-behind-reincarnation

Documents about Marty Kolinsky from the US National Archives and Ancestry.com.

A Life in the Movies, Episode 0, The Unexplained, first aired on The Biography Channel on 30 Apr. 2011: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6215678/?ref_=fn_al_tt_3.

Return to Life: Extraordinary Cases of Children Who Remember Past Lives, Jim Tucker, M, D., St. Martin’s Press, 3 Dec. 2013.

Life Before Life: A Scientific Investigation of Children's Memories of Previous Lives, Jim Tucker, M, D., St. Martin’s Press, 1 Sep. 2005.

Is There An Afterlife?: A Comprehensive Overview of the Evidence, David Fontana, Iff Books, 17 Jan. 2005.

Night after Night, Paramount Pictures, 1932: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0023266/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_8_nm_0_q_night%2520after%2520night.

The Movie Book: An Illustrated History of the Cinema, Don Shiach, Smithmark Publications, 1996.

Personal communication by Marisa Martyn Rosenblatt, 7 Apr. 2020.

Personal communication by Jim Tucker, 21 Dec. 2017.

Personal communication by Jim Tucker, 3 Aug. 2017.

Part of Cyndi’s Journal, 7 Aug. 2010.

The Movie Book: An Illustrated History of the Cinema - Updated Edition, Don Shiach, Smithmark Publications, 1995.

The Science of Reincarnation: UVA psychiatrist Jim Tucker investigates children’s claims of past lives, Sean Lyons, Virginia Magazine, Winter 2013: https://uvamagazine.org/articles/the_science_of_reincarnation.

Night after Night, Motion Pictures by Paramount Pictures, 1932.



Paramount Pictures

The Biography Channel

Jim Tucker

Cyndi Hammons

Ryan Hammons

Kevin Hammons

Leslie Kean



US National Archives

Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences Library

Don Shiach

Smithmark Publications


Virginia Magazine

Sassy Group Media Limited

Air Extreme Films


Darleene Powells

University of Virginia School of Medicine Division of Perceptual Studies


This video is produced for informational or/and educational purpose(s). I have tried with diligence to ascertain usage of any media in this video does not lead to any copyright infringement.

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