This Is How Israel Hunts For "Hamas" By Annihilating Two Thirds Of Gaza

29 days ago

This is how Israel hunts for "Hamas". Israel annihilated two thirds of Gaza. Israel doesn't give a shit about civilians in Gaza. Israel calls every person in Gaza, animals, savages.

The people who have murdered over 7,000 innocent children in Gaza call Palestinians animals and savages.

The people who literally kick non-Jewish people out of their homes THROUGH VIOLENT MEANS, homes they've owned for generations call Palestinians animals and savages. This is sanctioned by the Israel government too.

IMAGINE the Mexican Cartel attacked a US city for 7 hours straight and then was allowed to kidnap 200 Americans back into Mexico. Then when US military finally arrived 7 hours later then carpet bombed the areas where Hamas was inside Israel killing Israeli Jewish people and ordered to shoot every person on sight including Israeli Jewish people. A soldier said it was better to kill Israeli Jews instead of letting them become captive by Hamas.

Now back to my Mexican Cartel example, imagine then the US government declares war on the Mexican Cartel in Mexico.

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