om the chemtrail line 5/24/24

9 months ago

they have been letting us get ample sun, at least in my part of town so eye been taking a break frum my journalism but some gangstalking fudge packer said they were going spray up my town with chemtrails this morning on Fairfax Underground, so eye grabbed my trusty Canon camera and got to you can cee, the sun was out and they started spraying up the skies...then eye headed North and as you can cee at the end of the video, which is the Northern skies, they weren't spraying in Northern Fairfax, completely blue and unsprayed...they were cloud whitening in Southern Fairfax, thick solar shields over the natural starts with the nexrad pulses...notice the beams in North Texas...they are pulsing the Bible Belt the heaviest...that can't be good for our health...interesting how Terrence Howard was saying that raytheon, who is part of the chemtrailing cabal, was taking his patents and how he wanted to destroy the world at one point....

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