Guy Psyches Himself Up So He Can Tase Himself

6 years ago

Tasers are very painful and I don’t think you could pay me to hit myself with one. Well, okay, that is kind of a lie. You could pay me certain amount to do it to myself, but I think it would have to be enough to pay off a debt. You know, things like student loans, a new car, mortgage, that kind of stuff. Alright let’s get away from that depressing topic. On to the funny and informative! This is AFV after all.

We were curious about where tasers came from so we looked up the history. Apparently, Tasers were developed by Jack Cover, a NASA researcher, starting 1969. He didn’t actually complete it until 1974. The original version of the taser used black powder as a propellent. It was originally classified as a firearm in 1976 by the ATF. The difference here is that the guy in this video is using a stun gun. Most tasers can be used as a stun gun if the cartridge is used or after it has been fired. The stun gun has prongs that need to be pressed directly against something to shock it.

You are more likely to see stun guns in person because they are often sold as self-defense items. The shock is quite powerful and can last anywhere from several minutes to several hours depending on how long a powered stun gun is held to a person. We imagine that the guy in this video was probably stunned for a few moments based on how quickly he dropped the gun after stunning himself. Of course, his friend does not check on him and only runs around the laughing. Seems about right for this kind of situation.

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