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Dunning Kruger effect

9 months ago

The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people with limited competence in a particular domain overestimate their abilities.

Basically dumb ppl have to much confidence which ends up fucking everything.

Look at our politicians

Nothing like some good bottled spring water in the engine where the oil should go.


  • 0/2000
  • Oh, that poor motor

    1 like
  • the guy couldv pointed out thats where the oil goes... instead of just instructing her not to do what she was doing. of course she could have asked why... but when ppl ask why, they often get really wrong answers, like when they asked why they should take experimental shots to ward off a flu bug & 4 bil ppl wound up polluting their bloodstream w/ heavy metal sludge. dunning & kruger whatever, slap a label on it & own it,just another of the games ppl play