Pocket Pema Chödrön: Verse 84 - Relax As It Is (Yamsox Live Reading March 9th, 2024)

3 months ago

Dive into an enriching exploration of Pema Chodron's path to discovering unparalleled inner strength and spiritual resilience. This captivating session delves into the lessons learned from challenges, the power of deep introspection, and the transformative potential of embracing one's spiritual journey. Through Pema Chodron's experiences, we uncover the essence of spirituality, meditation, and the quest for soul consciousness, offering viewers a profound understanding of navigating life's trials with grace and fortitude. Join us in uncovering the spiritual tools and practices that can guide you toward healing, purpose, and awakening.

00:00:00 Intermission: Lessons from Pema Chodron

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