The UK new state-of-the-art weapon of war: the DragonFire Laser

29 days ago

The UK recently unveiled its new state-of-the-art weapon of war: the DragonFire Laser.

A directed-energy weapon, it can eliminate a drone from miles away with extreme precision.

It may also work well against helicopters.

Basically, in this video he says that with this directed-energy weapon they'll shoot down drones and missiles with incredible accuracy, and it could revolutionize the way they fight warships in just three years' time. The rapid delivery of this incredible feat of British innovation is only possible because the government has recently reformed the way their army operates, so that their soldiers, sailors and airmen will be able to have this weapon at their disposal more quickly, whether at home or abroad.

Listen to what he had to say...

Useful source link: Read what they say too, if you want more information...

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