International Court orders Israel to haltoffensive in Rafah | BBC News

9 months ago

The United Nations' top court has ruled that Israelmust "immediately halt its military offensive" in Rafah in southern Gaza.

The International Court of Justice, which decidesdisputes between countries, says "the catastrophicsituation" in Gaza had deteriorated and describedhumanitarian conditions in Rafah as "disastrous."

The judges also said the Rafah border crossing withEgypt must be opened for the entry of humanitarian aid "at scale".

South Africa had asked the ICJ to make the order asan emergency measure, saying Israel's actions inRafah amount to a "genocidal" operation andthreatened the survival of the Palestinian people.

The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hasagain rejected allegations of genocide, calling themfalse and outrageous. Some of his cabinet partnersaccused the court of antisemitism and siding with Hamas.

However for Mr Netanyahu's critics the ruling is onemore sign of Israel's growing international isolation.

Clive Myrie presents BBC News at Ten reporting byLucy Williamson in Jerusalem and legal affairscorrespondent Dominic Casciani.

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