SPONSOR | From Service to Solutions: Insights from Military Veterans

9 months ago

Presented by Canadians For Truth, in collaboration with Veterans For Freedom, this event offers a unique opportunity to connect with recent veterans who provide a behind-the-scenes look at the issues shaping Canada's future.

TICKETS: https://rebelne.ws/3Kefih9

Hear from a former intelligence officer with 30 years of national security experience, and an Air Force Squadron Leader who has served with both the Canadian & British Armed Forces and others with unique and compelling experience.. Their firsthand insights provide a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities ahead.

Seize this opportunity to hear directly from our veterans, whose sacrifices, experiences, and commitment to service provide invaluable perspectives that enrich our understanding of the challenges facing our country.

NOON | Doors Open

Listening Sessions

Q&A Opportunities are available throughout the day

1:00 pm - Unrestricted Warfare | Jeff Eveley
A comprehensive analysis empowering Canadians with the knowledge to safeguard democracy against modern threats.

1:45 pm - Lost and Found | Daryl Smith
A special forces soldier’s touching story from the Canadian Armed Forces to his relationship with Jesus Christ

2:20 pm - Broken Covenant - The CAF under General Wayne Eyre | Catherine Christensen
Examining the dangers of military leadership above the law and its historical implications.

2:45 pm - Trudeau, Globalism and the Post National State | Tom Quiggin
Analyzing the erosion of Canadian sovereignty and its implications for democracy.

3:45 pm - Localism Defeats Globalism | Andrew MacGillivray
Building resilient local communities amidst global challenges.

4:30 pm - Selection and Maintenance of the Aim | Stewart Staudinger
Exploring the key actions for societal restoration and management, drawing parallels from military campaign planning.

5:30 pm - Dinner Break

7:00 pm - FIRE & ICE: The Decline of the Canadian Armed Forces

* Veterans will be granted a $20 subsidy for full-priced tickets at the event. Go to Info Booth upon arrival.

** Please Carpool as parking can be limited.

For details on each session, and to see more information on the speakers, please visit www.CanadiansForTruth.ca

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